The Castro in San Francisco is such a wonderful place, it's a place where you can be who you are without worrying about people judging you. I was excited to visit The Castro, && being that i am bisexual I was expecting to see a lot of both men and women, but I was surprised when i saw nothing but gay men walking around. Nothing wrong with that at all, just kind of disappointing for me lol. I think it looks beautiful with all the rainbow flags EVERYWHERE! Anywhere you look you will see a rainbow flag. It seems like a very peaceful place where everyone gets along, and where everyone talks to each other, and you feel so safe and so comfortable walking around it's great! The funniest thing happened when we went out for lunch lol. We went to this little diner where they sell all kinds of burgers as well as hot dogs and stuff. so as i was trying to decide what i wanted to eat i was looking at the menu and i saw that they had hot links and it sounded pretty good. Since in most places the links are pretty small, i decided to ask the guy who was taking the orders how big the links were. So i say "how big are your hot links?", and he shows me with his hands how long they were. So i say, "well..how thick are they?", and i just hear Olivia and the other girls laughing behind me, and the guy starts turning hella red and he starts laughing too. I was kind of lost for a second and then i thought about it and i realized that it didn't really sound right when i asked him lol. And then he showed me again with his fingers how thick they were, and then i say, "Can you show me one?", and the dude starts HELLA laughing..and the thing was that it was so unintentional, and i so didn't mean it that way i just really wanted to know if the links were big or small. but it was hilarious when he pulled out the wiener, and he just waved it at me haha. you had to be there man, it was pretty funny : )
HEy ALe! i agree wit you wen you say taht in Castro the people seem like they dont judge. I gues thats why is a peaceful place=]
Hey Ale!
I completely agree with you, The Castro was a cool place because everyone is who they truly are without caring about what others think. I feel like all of the people that live there are very comfortable and happy with who they are, because a lot of men were walking around holding hands and nobody would even look at them weird. So it was cool!
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