I don't care what anyone says..I believe that ALL GUYS ARE THE SAME. Simple as that. There is nothing you can say or do to try to make me change my opinion about that whatsoever! They all lie, they all cheat, they all break their promises and they all are jerks (when it comes to relationships of course). They might not show it all the time but trust me, the jerk is in them 24/7. I've had terrible experiences with guys, well i've only had one real boyfriend but still. You wouldn't believe all the BS he put me through, and with the stories about guys that I have heard from my female cousins, my sister, and my female friends..whooo! I got enough with that! I also have a 21 year old guy cousin that I am super close with and we tell each other everything. So, I know what a guy's perspective is when it comes to girls and stuff like that, and it ain't pretty! I love my cousin and all but i can safely say that he can be a real A-hole with females. He tells me the way he thinks and his deepest thoughts, it's weird cuz it's like damn so that's how guys really think. It sucks. But that's reality, that's why I don't really like talking to guys in that way, I definitely DO NOT fall for guys easily, I am not one to mess with lol. But yeah I think I would rather stick to girls. Girls are more sensitive and more understanding. But overall, I think I am done with relationships for a cool minute, I need to worry about myself and do me for now...=]